Friday, March 13, 2009

Building Xerces-C++ 3.0.1 on Mac OS X

Building Xerces-C++ 3.0.1 on Mac OS X was/is a breeze. Given below are the steps that I've followed.

1) Downloaded xerces-c++ 3.0.1 source from
2) Extracted the zip-file into a convenient folder (obvious :-))
3) Spent few minutes reading
4) Ran "./configure CFLAGS="-arch x86_64" CXXFLAGS="-arch x86_64" --prefix=/Path/To/My/ConvenientFolder/xercesInstall" from  "extracted folder" of "xerces"
5) Tried the SAX2Count example from "bin" of  /Path/To/My/ConvenientFolder/xercesInstall

I'll try to write some more tiny articles on creating/processing XML documents using xerces-c.

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